Kaare Klint
Kaare Klint designed the interior of the LE KLINT store in Store Kirkestræde in Copenhagen, and supplied the drawings for two of the most outstanding lamps in the LE KLINT range.
VIEW ALL PRODUCTSArchitect, 1888 – 1954
Kaare Klint served as an apprentice to architect Carl Petersen and his own father, P.V. Jensen-Klint, in whose footsteps he followed as architect to the Grundtvig Church.
Kaare Klint designed the interior of the LE KLINT store in Store Kirkestræde in Copenhagen, and supplied the drawings for LK 101 (known as the Fruit lamp) and LK 306 (a versatile wall aLeKlint 101 XLnd table lamp), which are still two of the most outstanding lamps in the LE KLINT range.
He was appointed a university lecturer in 1924 and in that same year became Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen, where he founded the School of Furniture Design.
Kaare Klint was commissioned for many projects.Two of his outstanding masterpieces are The Bethlehem Church in Copenhagen (1935-37) and the décor for the Danish Museum of Art and Design in Copenhagen (in cooperation with Ivar Bentsen) from 1921-26.